5th of April, Toulouse, France.
GreenCloud Printer from ObviousIdea won the eco-award of the 6th student national conference week for the sustainability. this event was organised at ESC Toulouse, in Toulouse.
In the contest category for corporates, the smart printer driver has been choosed by both the students and jury of professionals.
GreenCloud is a green it software to reduce your print page volume, using both technical technics and education with metrics.

The eco-award is the first award obtained, but also the result of the first contest. It’s probably not the last.
“I m really happy to have been choosen by the students, as they are the primary target of the users, I really hope they will push their future company to have a better and greener approach of their daily printing task”, claims Fabrice Meuwissen, CEO of ObviousIdea.
You can watch this Youtube Video of the pitch
And see the slideshow ( French )
If you are using the software already, don’t hesitate to post a comment about the gain you have already obtained, or just why you like it. If you don’t use it yet, download it
Download GreenCloud Printer.
A cool video done by the french TV TLT
Fabrice Meuwissen gagne l’Eco Award (Toulouse) par teletoulouse-wizdeo
Any comments or share to promote the product is a good thing, so don’t hesitate