Command Line Parameters

Light Image Resizer can be run by command line. Please refer to the following reference and examples.

Single file or folder

To process a single file or folder, simply use the following syntax:

resize.exe <File/Folder> [Options]


resize.exe c:\photos /profile=original /format=bmp /run

The example above will load all supported image files from the folder c:\photos and create copies of them in bitmap format (BMP) while keeping the original dimensions.

You can also use wildcards to load specific file types from a folder. If you want to convert all bitmap images from a folder to PNG format:

resize.exe "c:\my images\*.bmp" /profile=original /format=png /run

Note: If a path contains spaces, it needs to be wrapped in quotes, like this: “c:\my photos”
This applies to all parameters where values may contain spaces!

Multiple files

You can process several files in one operation. Make sure to use quotes if needed (as explained above):

resize.exe <Filename1> <Filename2> ... [Options]


resize.exe "c:\my photos\image1.jpg" "c:\my photos\image2.jpg" /profile=desktop /run

Note: The maximum number of characters in a command line may be limited.
If you want to process a large amount of files, or path names are very long, please consider using a file list (see next section for details).

File list

To process large numbers of files at once, we recommend to use a file list. Basically a simple text file, which contains the full path for each image file (separated by line breaks). The command line uses this syntax:

resize.exe /fl=<Filename> [Options]


resize.exe /fl="c:\my path\filelist.txt" /w=800 /h=600 /action=original /run

Content of filelist.txt:


The example above will load the 3 image files specified in the file list and resize them to 800 x 600 pixels, replacing the original files.

Exit code / error code

The application will return one of the following error codes on exit:

  • 0: All files were processed successfully
  • 1: One or more errors occurred during processing
  • 2: One or more warnings occurred during processing


The parameters below can be used to set processing options. Parameters are case-insensitive.

/Profile=[original|desktop|"<profile name>"]

Defines the profile to use:

  • original = original resolution (default)
  • desktop = desktop resolution
  • or one of the available profile names, like “Watermark”

Note: If the profile name contains spaces, make sure to use quotes. For example:
/profile=“my custom profile”


Defines the output width for images.


Defines the output height for images.


Defines the unit used for width and height, default is “pixel”.


Defines the resize mode to use, default is “fit”.

Possible values:

  • fit: Resize and fit image into the target dimensions, keeping the original aspect ratio. This is the default.
  • stretch: Resize and stretch image to the target aspect ratio. Width and height will always be as specified, but result can be deformed.
  • center: Center image in the target dimensions. Remaining background (canvas) will be filled with a replacement color.
  • crop: Crop image to center with target dimensions. If image is larger than target dimensions, it will be centered.
  • extend: Make image square by extending short sides with blurred content.

Defines the filtering mode used to scale images, default is “lanczos”.

Possible values:

  • fastlinear: Fast linear interpolation (fastest, lowest quality)
  • linear: Linear interpolation (fast, medium quality)
  • lanczos: Lanczos interpolation (slow, best quality)
  • cubic: Cubic interpolation (slow, best quality)
  • nearest: nearest neighbor interpolation

Defines the output image format (default is “original”).


Defines the bit depth to save with (only available if output format is BMP or PNG).

Supported values for BMP: auto, 32, 24, 8, 4, 1
Supported values for PNG: auto, 32, 24, 8


Defines the color depth to save with (only available if output format is JPG or TIFF)

Supported values for JPG: auto, RGB, YCbCr, CMYK, Grayscale
Supported values for TIFF: auto, RGB, CMYK, CIELAB


Defines the compression quality from 1 to 100, only valid for JPG (default 80).


Adjust resolution for portrait images:

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)

Copy EXIF metadata (for JPG):

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)

Copy XMP metadata (for JPG):

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)

Copy IPTC metadata (for JPG):

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)

Copy embedded ICC profiles (for JPG):

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)

Embed watermark from specified image file.


Transparency for watermark from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque), default is 255.


Watermark position in output image:

  • 0 = Top Left
  • 1 = Top Center
  • 2 = Top Right
  • 3 = Bottom Left
  • 4 = Bottom Center
  • 5 = Bottom Right
  • 6 = Center (default)

Horizontal spacing (in pixels) for watermark if not centered, default is 0.


Vertical spacing (in pixels) for watermark if not centered, default is 0.

/Mask="<filename mask>"

Output filename mask to be used, default is “%F [%P]”. The mask can contain the following variables:

%FOriginal filename
%EOriginal file extension
%DIROriginal folder name
%PSelected profile
%WOutput image width
%HOutput image height
%NConsecutive number
Number of N’s determines number of digits:
%NN = 01, %NNN = 001, etc.
%N=xStart counting from x, where x is a number
%DCurrent day (01-31)
%MCurrent month (01-12)
%YYCurrent year (2 digits)
%YYYYCurrent year (4 digits)
X-ArtistEXIF artist information
%X-CameraEXIF camera information
%X-CopyrightEXIF copyright information
%X-DateEXIF date
%X-DescriptionEXIF description
%X-SoftwareEXIF software information

If enabled (1), keeps file date of original file. Default is disabled (0).


Change DPI value for formats that support it (JPEG, TIFF). Value can be between 1 and 1000.


If enabled (1), colors will be inverted. Default is disabled (0).


If enabled (1), converts images to grayscale. Default is disabled (0).


If enabled (1), adds sepia effect to images. Default is disabled (0).


If enabled (1), an automatic enhancement filter is applied to images. Default is disabled (0).


Decrease or increase brightness by specified value (-100 to 100).


Decrease or increase contrast by specified value (-100 to 100).


Split images into parts, where <v> is the number of vertical rows, and <h> the number of horizontal columns. For example: /split=2,4
The maximum value for <v> and <h> is 8.


Resize policy to use:

  • always = Always resize
  • enlarge = Only enlarge images smaller than specified width and height
  • reduce = Only reduce images larger than specified width and height

Rotate image by specified value in degree (-180 to 180).
Positive values will rotate clockwise, negative values counter-clockwise.


Flip the image either horizontally or vertically.


If enabled (1), gamma value is improved when resizing. This can prevent images from getting darker. Default is disabled (0).


Optimize compression of PNG images with specified level from 0 (fast) to 7 (very slow).


If enabled (1), JPEG compression is optimized. This can be useful for images targeted for the web. Default is disabled (0).


One of these actions to be performed:

  • copy = Create copies
  • original = Replace original files
  • move = Move files
  • zip = Compress in a ZIP file
  • pdf = Create a PDF
  • gif = Create animated GIF from input files

Destination for output:

  • same = Same folder as original (default)
  • desktop = Desktop
  • <path> = A custom path, for example: “c:\my path”

Create destination directory if it doesn’t exist yet without prompting


Show details (log) during operation.


Minimize progress window during operation.


Close after images have been processed.
If you want to close only if there were no errors or warnings, use:


If a folder is specified as the first parameter, this determines if subfolders will be searched as well:

  • 0 = Off (default)
  • 1 = On

Defines what to do in case of a filename conflict:

  • ask = Display prompt to user
  • overwrite = Overwrite without warning
  • skip = Don’t touch and skip file
  • rename = Rename new file, like “file (2)”

Start processing immediately.


Go to options page directly after launch. Useful if you add files by command line, and just need to review options.